Sunday, November 04, 2007

At Least HE was Proud of Himself!

Yesterday morning Mike was going to Canadian Tire. Matthew wanted to stay home with me, so I asked Mike to pick up a couple of items: Mr. Clean and toilet bowl cleaner.
Awhile later Mike got home.
He went through what he had bought and the coolant levels of the van, and then he got very excited when I asked if he had bought my cleaning products.
"Yes I did! But I got you something to make toilet cleaning fun!" he said, as he ran off to get the bag.
I was pretty sure that a cleaning woman did not fit in the bag, but I was holding out hope for a Molly Maid gift certificate.
Nope. He pulled this out.

Yes - Kaboom Bowl Blaster.
Yay! Toilet bowl cleaning will be fun ... for Mike.
To my credit, I didn't get angry or annoyed or anything (bathroom cleaning is, after all, a task we both dread and hate). I just pointed out that he could have all sorts of fun, by himself, cleaning the bathroom.

Now, I will admit, when he dumped the stuff in the toilet which has seen better days, it did foam and it was pretty cool. And, even better it is nice and clean.
An added bonus, it has 50 uses, so really, I won't be cleaning toilets for a really long time.


SciFi Dad said...

a man who enjoys cleaning toilets? NOW we know why you married him! ;)

Multi-tasking Mommy said...

Now, I have to go get me some of that ;)

Karen MEG said...

That DOES look like fun. I hate toilets too. But you can't knock it ... I can't remember the last time my husband picked up any cleaning products!