Today marks the first day of school for Matthew. Kind of. He's starting JK which means that at his school we have graduated entry.
Today we go as a family to meet the teacher.
Thursday he goes for a half day with half of his class.
And Tuesday he gets to start full time (every other day).
So, I'm not quite sure which day is technically his first day of school. We're going with today since it's the first time he got to wear his fancy new shoes, try on his backpack and we will be walking over.
This graduated entry thing poses a lot of problems! I mean, he has a special first day t-shirt, but he has decided to wear it on the first day he meets the other kids. That shirt is the shirt that his Uncle Steve picked out for him. It's Transformers. Very cool!
So for today we decided that we would just wear clothes that match his new shoes.
Truthfully, I just can't believe he is already in JK!!! When he was born the thought was so far from our minds. I couldn't imagine that one day my little baby would be big enough to be going to school. But here he is, very independent and very ready to see all the toys that he will see in the classroom.
I'm hoping he'll learn a lot too. I know that he likes his numbers. He loves to figure out what different numbers add up to. He's definitely a number guy. My attempts at teaching him the alphabet haven't really gotten very far. So, I'm hoping that this teacher will work some magic and show him how exciting learning is.
So, we're off. We've arranged to have Miss Paige babysit Chloe (accompanied by Aunt Becky) and Mike is coming home for our first visit.
We're so excited!!!