Time is a funny thing. Sometimes it seems to go so slowly. Sometimes you have
no idea how it went so quickly. This year I’ve gone back and forth. In some
cases this year has dragged on. And
suddenly it’s June. Matt is finishing grade 2! Chloe is planning for junior
kindergarten. (and by planning I mean trying on new outfits nightly)
And … the crazy thing?
Both kids just finished up a year of dance/drama.
Matt was in 101 Dalmations – he played Patch. It was a cute
performance, and I have to tell you. Matt was not exactly the star of the show
and centre stage. But his smile? His pride? The knowledge that he completed a
year of drama and went on stage and knew all the lines in the songs? He was thrilled. I was thrilled.
We have tried so many things with Matt. Different sports,
dance, etc, and we have never made it through the year. This? Huge. And to me
it shows one huge thing. If you believe in kids and meet them where they are
at, they excel.
And then there’s Chloe. She did a year of baby ballet. She
loved it. LOVED it! Her whole group was unbelievably adorable, and they just
all did so well.
Chloe’s comment to me after: The only thing that would make
ballet class better every week is if we always had people cheering for us.
I think I see many dance classes in our future!
Happy June everyone.