Thursday, June 22, 2006

A Play Date

Last night we (Matthew and I) had a play date with some of our friends.
I got an e-mail yesterday morning from my friend asking if I wanted to come over for coffee and playtime before bed.
It's pretty convenient since we do live down the hall from each other, so I immediately agreed.
I have to admit, I was a little tentative about it. Not because I don't have a great time with Ginny. Of course I do - she's the person who got me through that first year.
What I was worried about was that a) Matt would bite one or both of her daughters b)Matt would tear their house apart or c) and this is the biggie for me, that the friendship between the kids that we had always hoped for may not work out.
It's not that they hadn't played together - it's just that it has been with other kids. This was a real playdate.
I sound like I'm in high school - we've hung out in groups but we've never been alone on a date.
Anyway ...
Much to my surprise, the evening went really well.
First off, we'd all had dinner, so that was a good start. And, the truth is the kids just had fun. When I actually relaxed and didn't work about the dynamics it was fun. Mac, her older daughter, was just really fun with Matt. She set up a train track (she's 3 and a half) and let him run his train along it. Lindsey, the same age as Matty, did her own thing for awhile and then joined them in the play.
My favourite part of the evening was when they all started jumping on the bed and playing games. There's really pure and fresh about watching toddlers just laughing and playing and not having a care in the world. We just kind of watched them and let them enjoy each other's company.
Sometimes I get worried about what is out there for Matt - who he will be friends with, whether he'll fit in, how he'll do in school. And, then I watch him and I realize that he'll be just fine.


Anonymous said...

You know I'm sorry that you stressed a bit about it. I never thought twice about having you over, I just thought to take advantage of the time that James wasn't there to have you guys come over. You have been back at the condo for far too long and we have yet to do it you know?
I think it was a smashing success! The kids were so excited to have Matty Matt and War-whoa come over! And they had tons of fun. To see them all there holding hands, jumping and dancing around was a moment of sheer love and joy. It was one of those times where you could see how much fun they were having in their eyes and hear it by the sounds of their laughs and giggles and it really touches the heart of a mom you know? It's like in that moment, all the things you worry about with your children fitting in just melt away. For me it was especially sweet to see Mac interacting because she never did that the whole first year we hung out with you and Salina you know?So it was special because we both want them to play well together and so at that moment it was perfect and we were happy.
Of course the bubble will burst and there will be times when they fight but you know what? They will be friends and it will be fun.
I'm really glad you guys came!

Laural Dawn said...

That is so sweet. And, don't feel bad that I was stressing. You know I stress over everything. It was good stress :)

And, you're right about Mac. She has changed so much this past year. And, I'm so glad that everyone now can see her sparkling personality, not just the select few who know her really well.

Oh - and also Matt went to bed so well after. Maybe we should let them jump on the bed every night.

LOL - maybe we will be sitting crying together when our beloved children are walking down the aisle. We'd both be such fantastic Mothers in Law! I know it.