Yesterday evening, around 7:30 we all arrived home, safe and sound and in one piece!
We thought we would be home earlier, but Chloe had a jaundice test and it was borderline, so they extended our stay so we could enjoy one more yummy hospital lunch before going home. Luckily she passed the 4pm blood test, and we were allowed to go home.
Life with Chloe has been pretty wonderful!
I am totally in love with this baby. She's got a very sweet personality. She sleeps a lot. Basically, she wakes up to nurse and then looks at us for awhile and goes back to sleep.
I had fully planned to formula feed. With Matthew nursing was a major struggle. He cried a lot and rarely slept, and when he was hungry he just screamed more. Chloe is a little different. Because she is laid back, and I'm more relaxed about things, nursing has been a joy.
From the first time I tried to feed her she latched beautifully, and I can honestly say that the bonding experience everyone told me breastfeeding is actually is true in this case. I'm thrilled.
We're still going to introduce formula so I can get more sleep and have more flexibility. But, all that will come in time. For now I'm just enjoying being a new mommy and all that it entails.
My c-section went really really well.
I'm in very little pain (okay, thanks to pain meds). There were a few moments where I was in agony, and I'm still taking the stairs slowly, but I'm not complaining. The incision is healing beautifully, and I'm not in a ton of pain. And, because Chloe is so tiny the incision isn't sore when I nurse.
I was surprised by how low the incision is. When I asked my doctor how low it is she told me that it's called a bikini incision, and she is confident that when warm weather is here the incision will be healed. GOOD TO KNOW!!!
It's all about getting into a bikini :)
Anyway, here are some pics.
I'm still feeling a bit groggy from all the meds, so I'm not sure if this makes tons of sense but I wanted to show you my little girl.
Matthew is doing very well also. He is loving the new role of Big Brother, and has already been showing Chloe how to play with toys. She particularly enjoyed playing catch with him.
And as for the cats ... Rosie, the kitten, is confused. Mojo is standoffish. We're all good around here!
What a great update.
I am so glad to hear that everyone is doing well! So good to hear.
Chloe is freakin' gorgeous!! Congratulations LD!!
I LOVE the first picture of her with you in the background!!
Laural - she's stunning! And you have NO business, looking that good right after a c-section! Congratulations, and welcome to Chloe!
Laural, you can hear it how great it is when you read it and I couldn't be happier for you!! Truly awesome!!
Stairs huh? I never thought of that hurting when you have a c-section because I always lived in the condo!!
Honey, she is just fabulous and gorgeous! Love! I am glad you are doing well and I am so excited that you are enjoying nursing. Good for you!
Take care and I hope you get lots of rest.
Yay! Glad to hear that everything is going exceptionally well.
great re cap and so positive it makes me want to have a second.
(especially the part about nursing)
You make a beautiful family.
thanks for sharing....
I'm so glad to hear she is a nursing champ. It really has so much to do with the baby but the moms always feel it us it.
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